Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Instant Party Barbecue

Last night a friend called me up and asked me over for dinner.. Our options were Indian food or Atkins friendly food.. To be honest I can't do Indian food at night time.. to heavy to digest! So we went with Steaks and salads..

Now a proper steak needs to be cooked on a flame, with no time to spare our only resort was to grab a Instant BBQ. I was a bit hesetent to use it.. but atleast it's a flame..

The instructions were easy to read and with in seconds our BBQ was on. With a match we lit the lighting paper..

And the flames grow..

After the BBQ is all lit up, wait 20 minutes for the charcoal to ash! Once you see the charcoal is covered with film of gray.. your ready to cook.

Note to self: Use a peice of cardboard to to fan the flame before applying food.. all the starter paper flies all over, so best to do it before the grills are on and the ash ends up coming on it:/

10 minutes later I have my perfectly cooked Wagu tenderlions cooked medium! It can't get any better than that!

Grills: The sultan center BBQ aisle

Meats: Prime Cuts Salmiya

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