"There is no greater love, than the love of food" If I were to die and go to heaven, I would assume that the delicacies served by Dala'a Mufti would be my reward for all the brownie points I have collected in life.
Where do I begin, they say that "the way to a man's heart is thru his stomach" then it definately applies in this case-as I'm sure my cousin, (her husband) got lured in by her wonderful delights!! Who wouldn't? I sure am one of her newest fans!
I guess Dala'a is used to cooking for large dinners, because the spread she put out for a measley group of 5 girls could surely have fed part of the Amercian base in Kuwait (mashalaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah)!!!
Above: Shoulder of lamb with vegetables and a Musterd Gravey!
This was something new to me.. a Italian seafood stew called Chippino!
Freekah with chicken topped with pine nuts and almonds!
Spicy Burgal salad, similar to a taboulah but the Borgals are cooked in this salad!
Grilled vegetables marinated in a balsamic sauce. A yummi dish for all you health watchers!
As I didn't stay around long enough to savor, I am sure her equally delicious desserts were just as good.
I end this post with a smile on face and salivating as I write this..Thinking.. when will be the next time I get invited again :)
Thank You Dala'a!
dearest dandoon
i am so sorry you couldnt taste all the dishes and hope you feel better by now...(i warned you earlier in the day to eat light so you can have a full meal for dinner, but you had to go for bad sushi). anyway..my home and kitchen will always be open for you anytime.
note; there is few mistakes in the names of the dishes, will call you tomorrow to correct it.
finaly...صحتييييييييييييين وهنا
Oh oh! ok Im waiting for the call to fix them:)
3alaikom bel3afia o teslam eed Dalaa! The freeka looks SO GOOD! I want to have a bit of everything though LOL
everything looks amazing..alah ye3tekom el 3afya
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